Saturday, February 14, 2009

How To Make Money With Clickbank


Clickbank is a marketplace where people can either sell egoods or sign up to sell other people's egoods. Most people have at least one front-end product, which is an egood of their own to sell. These items can be anything that can be downloaded without needing any part of it to be physically shipped.


Step1 Identify a niche market. Search the Clickbank marketplace to see what categories are available. Tailor your product to fit categories that are not already filled with similar items.

Step2 Write an ebook, create software or put together a report that will sell. Make sure it has a fresh angle that will make it different from any similar products.

Step3 Register for a seller's account with Clickbank. Pay the startup fee and have your account confirmed.

Step4 Create a mini-site to advertise your product. Write a sales letter that accurately describes the product and what it can do for the buyer. Use highly-searched keywords in order to get search engine traffic to your page.

Step5 Submit your page and your egood to Clickbank for approval. Take the Clickbank payment links provided to you from the site and put them onto the sales letter.

Step6 Choose a price for your item. Choose a percentage of each sale that will go to anyone who sells the item on your behalf.

Step7 Find new ways to market your item. Post information about it in forums and on related websites.

This is the most reliable informations that will make anyone earn money with Clickbank. I also want you all to click the link below to know how to drive huge traffic to your blog or website.
I wish you all the best of Luck. Here is the link

Friday, December 5, 2008

Easiest Way To Copy And Paste The Google Adsense Code

Before we begin, we must know some certain things about Google Adsense...


Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant, unobtrusive Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site, you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages. Learn more about AdSense for content.

It's also a way for web site publishers to provide Google search to their site users, and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages. Find out more about AdSense for search.

The program is free, and combines pay-per-click and pay-per-impression advertising - meaning you get paid for valid clicks on the ads on your site or search results pages as well as impressions on your content pages. So go ahead and try this program. If you comply with our program policies, just complete our online application and select either or both of AdSense for content pages and AdSense for search. One application gets you approved for both AdSense and AdSense for search - you can decide to use any combination of these products on your pages.


To copy your code in an easier way, highlight the entire contents of the Your AdSense code box by clicking anywhere in this box with your mouse. You'll know the code has been selected when the entire contents of the box are highlighted in blue.

Next, from your browser's Edit menu, choose Copy in order to copy the highlighted area.


There are different ways in which you can paste your adsense code to your blogger, they are as follows:

1. When you login to your blogger, You need to first go to you adsense account and then obtain the code. Then go to your blogger dashboard, click on layouts, click on page elements and now click add gadgets. Then select HTML/JAVASCRIPT from the pop up window that appears and then paste the code over there.
Another way of adding is by adding gadget but there instead of the HTML/JAVASCRIPT choose adsense and then get your account configured and then when you have added adsense to blogger you will not need to login again in your adsense account and you can access it from blogger only!

2. Sign in to your blog using your e_mail address and password. After you are signed in, you will find on the Dashboard you blog. Click on the setting. Then click on template tab. You find the skeleton of your blog. There you will find "Add New Page Element". Click on it. A new window will come out. There among many elements you will find Java Script/html code (for third party...) Click on it. It will open. Give a title and paste the code. It is finished. Now have your tea. maybe that you should make a cup for me...

These are the useful tips that i can offer everyone that is new to Google Adsense. Thanks and God bless you all...